Thursday, 12 January 2012

Pickwicks in Long Street

When you walk into Mr Pickwicks in Long Street, you immediately feel an edge.
The bright yellow exterior points to an out of place black opening, the door leads to a narrow entry way and well, a small sense of claustrophobia is experienced, this all during my last lunch break, but as soon as you get over the various assortment of chars and sardine sized lower level, you immediately go to the shining display, which houses pastries as well as an assortment of other goodies.
That is merely the beginning for my sense of smell, the menu handed to me as I climbed up to the higher level of the establishment, a beautiful view of Long Street, I saw to my amazement, the vast collection of milkshakes!
Everything from liquour milkshakes, laced with amarula and heaven knows what other higher level prcent alcohol, to the plain double thick chocolate, or cookies and cream. I decided to be a bit naughty and be experimental, with a 600ml Amarula milkshake, and a few pieces of oreo thrown into the mix.
That first sip... Disbelief.
The second... An epiphany.
The third sip being my taste buds having gone to heaven, reluctant to come back, regardless of my constant attempts to bring myself back to reality.

Even though this restaurant has milkshakes that are so reputable people drive for miles to get them, one can be very very certain that an experience like this is highly affordable and highly enjoyable, this being the first in a multitude of trips to Pickwicks that I will make over the course of life.
Don't expect to be treated like a princess though! The staff are direct and to the point, an admirable trait, but the burgers, milkshakes and assorted other goodies don't just pas you by, be prepared and be happy.
Dear readers, I do hope you enjoy! 

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